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Here you can find some of the most common questions!

I can not use the /sticky xxx commands!

To use the /sticky xxx commandy, you need to have the Manage Messages permission in the given channel.

Please ask an admin on your server to grant you those permissions.

StickMe is not recreating the messsage!

To prevent spamming of the Discord API, the StickMe only recreates the message once every minute at max. You can change the inverval to something higher with /sticky edit, but you can not decrease it below 1 minute.


If you are using the mode where the message gets recreated after a certain amount of message is the channel, the limit of 1 minute still applies.

Another issue could be that the bot does not have the required permissions to create the message. Use the /permissions command to verify that.

Can I make every message sticky?

Yes and no!

Yes, the bot can make every message a sticky message. However(!), some bots do not like it if you delete their message and recreate it. It might break them!

Example: If you have a bot that listens to a poll, it will, most likely, use the message id as internal reference. If StickMe now deletes and recreates the message, the message will have a new id. This will make the poll bot no longer finding the message.


For polls StickMe has a solution. Just use our own Poll feature 😉