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Poll Create

To create a poll, simply use the /poll create command.


  • answer X: Create up to 10 options users can vote on. At least one is mandatory
  • description: Description which is shown right below the poll question
  • max_choices: Amount of choices a user can select. (Default 1)
  • anonymous: If True, users can not see who voted for which option. (Default False)
  • sticky: If the poll should be sticky or not. (Default False)
  • time: Time till the poll closes. (Default 7d)
  • role_limit: Only users with the given role can vote. (Default @everyone)
  • one_time_text: This text is only added on the initial poll creation. Useful if you want to @mention users, but do not want to @mention them every time the poll gets recreated (if sticky).
  • text: Text that is shown right above the poll question. This field can be use to @mention users/roles

Custom Emojis

You can overwrite the default poll emojis by starting the answer with <emoji>,.

The following answer input would create the poll below:

  • answer1: 🟡, Valid emoji answer
  • answer2: Some answer, with some, random comma
  • answer3: ⛔i, Invalid emoji answer
  • answer4: ⛔, Valid emoji answer
Snaweused /poll create
Optional text to @mention someone
My Poll Question
Optional description for further information about your question
🟡Valid emoji answer
2️⃣Some answer, with some, random comma
3️⃣⛔i, Invalid emoji answer
⛔Valid emoji answer
Max Choices: 1


Discord sadly does not have a possibility to add a newline/line break to command options (on Desktop). StickMe offers a small workaround for that limitation. If you want to format your poll better, you can use \n to create a newline. Supported fields are:

  • description
  • text
  • one_time_text
  • answers