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v0.0.3 Patch-Notes

· One min read

v0.0.3 adds the /sticky unstick command also as message command + fixes some bugs.


  • Added the message command sticky unstick. You can now rightclick on a sticky note to unstick it in addition to the /sticky unstick application command.


  • sticky remove did remove the sticky in the channel where the command was executed when an invalid channel was passed
  • sticky unstick no longer returns "ok" when an invalid channel was passed
  • Fixed issue that automatic sticky recreation did not work in Threads/Forum channels
  • Fixed issue that stickies in Thread/Forum channels were not recreated on bot startup
  • Fixed issue that sticky unstick did not work in Thread/Forum channels
  • Fixed issue that sticky unstick/remove autocomplete was broken as soon as a you had a sticky in a Thread/Forum channel