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v0.5.0 Patch-Notes

· One min read

With v0.5.0 you can use your own emojis in polls!

New stuff

Allow Custom Emojis In Poll

You can now use custom emojis for polls instead of the usual default 1️⃣, 2️⃣, 3️⃣, ...
Read more about it in the doc.

New Poll Create Option

Added one_time_text option to /poll create. This option is added because if you ping someone (e.g. @everyone) on a sticky poll in the text field, it will ping @everyone every time the sticky gets recreated. Since this is usually not the behavior you one, the one_time_text option was added. Text added here will only be prepended to the first message creation.

You can find the docs here.

Other Changes

  • Improved the info print message when you have voted for a poll and reached the maximum amount of answers.


  • Fixed issue that the "View Votes" button on a poll displayed users on wrong options in some cases
  • The "View Votes" button is no longer disabled when the poll is closed.