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v0.3.0 Patch-Notes

· One min read

v0.3.0 is a small feature update and also adds premium features!

New stuff

(Not) Anonymous Polls

Till now all polls where anonymous. Now there is a new option during poll creation that toggles this flag.

Polls that are not anonymous will have an additional button called "View Votes". This button can be pressed by everyone. On press, the user votes are displayed.

Premium Features


All servers that invited the bot before this update will have lifetime (or till bot is kicked) premium!

There are currently 2 ways to get premium:

View the list of premium features.


  • Improved performance quiet a bit by reducing unnecessary Discord API calls.


  • Fix issue that stickies were always recreated after bot reboot if After idle time amount was selected as refresh type.
  • The "After message amount" refresh type now has an upper limit of 100 due to a Discord API limitation.